《Jenny's Week》Me and My Class PPT免费课件

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《Jenny's Week》Me and My Class PPT免费课件




What do you like to do on weekends?

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Jenny's WeekPPT,第二部分内容:课程导入


What do you like to do after school or on  weekends /holidays?

Do you like to watch movies? What is your favourite movie?

Date:September 10

Weather:No rain today,but cloudy,windy and cool.

Dear Diary,

Today Danny introduced us to his new friend,Sandra. 

We played football together after school. Steven and I were on one team,and Sandra and Danny were on the other. It was a fair competition. The score was four to three. We lost. 

I hate to lose. I like winning ❶ !

Last Saturday,my mother bought a pair of jeans for ❷ me. She and I love to shop for clothes! She also bought me a purple blouse. I wore my new clothes to school on Monday. Everyone liked them.

In English class this morning,we talked to our classmates.

I had the pleasure ❸ of talking to Mary —a girl from Hong Kong. Her English is very good. She invited

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Jenny's WeekPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


win /wɪn/ v.赢 

考向【重难点】win 后面跟比赛项目或奖项(the first prize,the gold medal),beat后面跟比赛对手。

eg:They won the football match last week. 


They beat Class One in the football match    last time.




eg:I am going to buy some flowers for my  mother on Mother's Day.


考向【重点】buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth.“给某人买某物”。

eg:She often buys toys for her child.

=She often buys her child toys.



pleasure /'pleʒə/ n.快乐;满足

考向【易错点】常见短语:have the pleasure of doing sth.意为“很荣幸/高兴做某事”;with pleasure 意为“十分乐意”,常用来表示客气地接受或同意帮助别人时的答语。It's my pleasure. 意为“不客气”。常用于在帮助别人之后别人感谢你时的答语。

eg:He had the pleasure of playing tennis with Nat.   他很荣幸和纳特打网球。

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Jenny's WeekPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It !

1)Listen and tick the correct answers.

1.Jenny's team ________ the football game.

□won  □lost

2.Last Saturday,Jenny's mother bought her ________.

□a pair of pants and a blue dress

□a pair of jeans and a purple blouse

3.In English class,Jenny talked to a girl from ________.

□Hong Kong □the U.K.

4.Jenny will go to ________ with Mary next Sunday.

□buy some new clothes

□watch a movie

5.Jenny's cousin Brian will stay in Canada for ________.

□one year  □two years

2) Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.What did Jenny do after school today?

She played football. 

2.Who was on the same team as Danny?


3.Which team won the game?What was the score?

Sandra and Danny's. The score was four to three.

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Jenny's WeekPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1.—When will Mr. Green_____ Beijing?

—In a week.   (贵港)

A.reach  B.get    C.arrive  D.come


2.— Your coat fits you well.

—Thank you. I ________ it when I was on vacation. (长沙)

A.have bought  B.buy  C.bought

3.—Thanks a million for your help.


A.Never mind  B.My pleasure   C.Good idea


——不客气。My pleasure回答感谢,表示“很荣幸;别客气”。故选B。

4. ________played badminton last Friday.He did much better than ________.

A.I and Bob;I        B.Bob and I;I

C.Me and Bob;me   D.Bob and me;me

【点拨】本题用语法判定法。考查人称代词的顺序。句意:上周五我和鲍勃打羽毛球了。他打得比我好得多。当第一人称代词和其他人称代词同时作主语时,一般第一人称代词在后面,如:you and I, Tom and I。综合分析可知 B 正确 。

5.The shy girl never invites her classmates________dancing.

A.practice    B.practices

C.practicing   D.to practice


6.My friend Lily often________(邀请)me to her home.

7.We listened to a report on how to save endangered(濒危) animals last____________(星期三).(烟台)

8.I have the________(乐趣) of reading books.

9.The________(当地的)people like to eat this kind of fruit very much.

10.Young people like to wear________(牛仔裤).

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Jenny's WeekPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结


(1)重点单词:lose, win, pleasure, invite, arrive等。

(2)重点短语:buy …for…等。




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