《The Value of Money》SectionⅧ PPT课件

所属分类: 英语课件 / PPT课件
浏览数 : 1316赞 : 135分享

人教版高中英语必修三《The Value of Money》SectionⅧ PPT课件,共8页。

《The Value of Money》SectionⅧ PPT课件包含单词拼写、单句语法填空等内容。

1.He  ____________ (忽视) all the ‘No Smoking’ signs and lit up a cigarette.

2.The actor’s voice gave out before he reached his most dramatic  ____________ (一场).

3.The following wind and eastward running tide had given us a very pleasant,lazy  ____________ (航行).

4.I  ____________ (发现) a shooting star which,to my astonishment,was bright green in colour.

5.He  ____________ (暗示) to me that we could never be good friends again.

6.I had to ____________(推迟) ideas of a career and stay at home.

7.Peter announced that he had no  ____________ (意图) of wasting his time at any university.

8.She  ____________ (追赶) the man who had stolen a woman’s bag.

9.The telephone rang.Catherine  ____________ (犹豫),debating whether to answer it.

10.Our engineers are sent to Japan to learn how to  ____________ (维持) the new machines.

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